Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Day 1: Introduction


Welcome to EnginDear Diary, a blog for my ENGR160 class at Wellesley College to be a working portfolio and catalogue of all of the projects/learning/growing achieved throughout the Spring 2016 semester. I look forward to working on brainstorming and finding new, innovative, and creative solutions to problems. I am excited (and a bit daunted) about working in applied math/sciences but totally ready to tackle some challenging problems!

My name is Jennifer and I am a member of the Class of 2019 (shine bright like a diamond). Since my last name is Chien, I sometimes go by Chiennifer for short (pronounced ch-en-nifer). I am likely to be a computer science major, though I am still undecided. I love that computer science, though it can be SUPER frustrating, either works or it doesn't -- it is very clear cut in that it either accomplishes what you want it to do or not -- however, there are many different ways to approach a problem. Another couple of fun fact about me: I am on the varsity fencing team (foil, of course) and also super into photography (@jeneralchiennifer).

That about wraps it up for now! Stay warm and watch out for falling melted snow!

Best wishes,
Jennifer Chien


  1. First of all I just have to say that your photographs from the link you posted are amazing! I wish I could take pictures like that. Also, is that you in the fencing video at the bottom of your blog?

    1. Hi! Thanks!! I work really hard on my photography so I am so glad you enjoy them! It is not me in that fencing gif at the bottom ;) haha
