Problem: For our final project, we are working to solve one of the problems of the Child Study Center (CSC). We want to create scheduling cues, a way to show/teach kids the concept of time. This entails visualizing how long an activity will be and how long it has been.
Our goal: Help the children (ages 2 - 6) visualize how much time is left or has elapsed in an activity.
Benefit: Kids are able to understand how long is left without bothering the teacher. Conceptualize time and translate a concrete image of an amount of marbles to the abstract idea of time.
Original plan for marble releasing mechanism |
Sensing/Feedback/Control: We plan on using a weight sensor under the marble collector cup to tell the Arduino how much weight is in the cup and calculate how much time until the next marble should be released.
Physical Aspects to Create: A marble releasing mechanism, path for the marbles, rotating cup that holds the marbles to sort them by color.
Progress thus far:
Katrina turns our not yet functional motor by hand. 2x2 block is our fake marble.
i love the fact that if this works you can visualize time